Update - July 27, 2024
Jasper Wildfire Update

Firstly, we’d like to offer an overwhelming thank you to the firefighters, and those on the front lines who worked tirelessly to save our community. Jasper means so much to so many, and while the devastation this week has been utterly heartbreaking, we have much to be thankful for. This is solely because of the heroes on the front lines and behind the scenes who worked to protect our town, and ensure the safety of all residents and visitors.

We are profoundly grateful that our SkyTram team is safe. While they were dispersed across Alberta and BC upon evacuation, ownership and management have maintained contact with all staff members to the best of our abilities and are focused first and foremost on their safety and wellbeing. We are ensuring all team members are comfortable, and have everything they need to support themselves and their families during this difficult time. Collaboration with Parks Canada is ongoing so that everyone can return to their homes in Jasper as soon as it is safe to do so.

At this time we have received photo confirmation that the fire did burn across Whistlers Mountain, however it did not destroy Jasper SkyTram infrastructure. Our lower and upper stations remain in place. It is important to note that this situation is constantly evolving, and while we are grateful that our infrastructure remains, there is still a long journey ahead of us. Once we are able to access our site a full assessment of damage will be completed, as well as a thorough safety inspection across all buildings, structures, and machinery. We cannot confirm whether operations will resume for the 2024 season, but we will continue to provide updates as more information becomes available.

To those who have reached out with well wishes and offers of kindness, thank you. The support we’ve received has been tremendous, and we know this is the spirit that will allow Jasper to thrive again. We feel exceptionally fortunate that Jasper Skytram remains, however our focus continues to be on the wellbeing of staff and supporting those in our community who have not been as lucky. Our hearts are with you, Jasper, and we will stand together as we begin to recover and move forward.

For the most up-to-date and accurate information on the current Jasper Wildfire Complex, please refer to Parks Canada at https://www.facebook.com/JasperNP